Working with Holocaust survivors

I would like to share information about an organization called iVolunteer that I'm going to start working with.It's a visitation program that sends volunteers to the homes of Holocaust survivors, providing them with companionship and much-needed assistance. Volunteers are carefully matched with survivors who live nearby and share common interests. Through … [Read more...]

Culture Mom Advocacy: Haiti: What we can all do to help

Watching the news and seeing the tragedy and devastation unfold in Haiti makes us all feel helpless, like there is nothing we can do.What can we do? We can give money to a group we trust. I've been sent a dozen requests by organizations I get emails from over the last few days, including United Jewish Appeal (which I will send my money to) and Partners … [Read more...]

Culture Mom Advocacy: See Hear Feel Film

While I'm looking for work and taking graduate school classes, I have plenty of time on my hands. My kids are in kindergarten and 1st grade, so their time away from home is finally increasing but I can't spend all day trying to get my life back. It's going to take a while.I'm always volunteering. Plus, I was a film minor in college and loved my film … [Read more...]