Tales of Bravery and Courage from Ground Zero

The other night I had the privilege to hear Andre Raynor speak at the opening Sisterhood event at the Westchester Jewish Center in Mamaroneck. She is a Methodist Minister who, in the aftermath of September 11th, served as a chaplain to the morgue at Ground Zero, and walked with the brave fireman, police officers and medical personnel as they strived to honor the dead.  Amidst the carnage, she offered blessings over remains and support to the many workers there.  Finding the remains of those who perished took its toll on Raynor, but she found relief and care in her relationship with her husband, humor and prayer.

Only a few years later, she suffered a few set backs.  She had a miscarriage and found out she had breast cancer, for which she was treated and has lived safely in remission since.  She has two children, both of whom were very young at the time of 9/11 and have watched their mother bravely overcome these obstacles  throughout their lives.

Raynor shared stories with us, both personally and from her new book The Voice That Calls You Home: Inspiration for Life’s Journeys.  The book is a warm, personal and practical guide on appreciating the wondrous world that we live in, offering perspective on how we can bear the sorrows that are sure to come with a steady eye and a sense of hope, and find the connection between the spiritual and everyday.

I left the lecture feeling very inspired and empowered.  Here is a woman who has overcome such obstacles, while still living a rich life of serving others in their time of need.  As I enter the next chapter of my own life, I hope to also give back in more ways than I have in the past.

Disclosure: I paid to attend this event and was not asked by the publisher to post about the event or the book.

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