My Impressions of BlogHer 2011 – the Good and the Bad


  I just came back from BlogHer 2011, a conference I'd been eagerly awaiting for some time.  Five days in San Diego never sounded like a bad idea in the first place.  It's a stunning city, one that I love going back to and still need to explore.  I love its scenery, weather and as a bonus, one of my best friends lives there. I had such plans for this BlogHer.  Having blogged for more than a year now, I knew what I needed to learn and who I wanted to meet in the world of my favorite bloggers.  I felt confident that this would be my best … [Read more...]

Guest Post: Perfection is Perfectly Impossible

An early incarnation of the perfect mom

(The following post was originally written and posted by guest poster Gina Osher on The Twin Coach.)   Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in. ~Leonard Cohen   “The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” ~ Anna Quindlen Where did we come up with the idea that we needed to be perfect?  At what point in our lives did this idea take hold so … [Read more...]