
Guest Post: Jenna McCarthy on “7 Steps to a Perfect Marriage”

I have a remarkably happy marriage, and people ask me all the time how I got so lucky. (Not as often as they ask me about autism, vaccines and Jim Carrey, so let’s get something straight before we go any further: Not. Her.) I used to wonder if it had something to do with pheromones or having relatively low expectations, but after eleven years of wedded bliss I am pretty sure the key is some combination of kindness, respect and my ability to read a road map upside down divided by my husband’s skill at tuning out my nagging. Okay, fine. We got Read More


Announcing the New Emelin Theatre Blogging Ambassadors

I'm happy to announce to you a new program that I have put together to support the performing arts in Mamaroneck, Westchester: THE EMELIN THEATRE BLOGGING AMBASSADORS.  When I decided it was time to go local and help raise awareness about all the arts institutions around me, I immediately decided the place to go was the Emelin.  Over the years, it has provided a wealth of creative programming for not only my children, but for me.  The Emelin offers a variety of entertainment that appeals to all ages and tastes. So, together with Lisa Reilly, Read More