
Guest Post: Review of UniverSoul Circus


Guest writer Liat Ginsberg is a mother and former journalist for the Israeli newspaper, Maariv. She has taught at the Film and Media Department at Hunter College. Most of us know that watching a movie with an African american (black) crowd, or going to a African american church is a different experience. Now you can add to it going to a circus with African american audience and many African american performers. It’s a wild, fun and very interesting experience. Imagine sitting in huge African american church listening to great voices and dancers and add Read More


Guest Post: Review of Cirque ZIVA at the New Victory Theater

cirque ziva

CIRQUE ZÍVA at the New Victory Theater, with artistic direction by Danny Chang and choreography by Angela Chang, is a superbly performed piece of physical theatre. If their purpose was to demonstrate the incredible capabilities of the human body, they achieved it without a doubt. The Golden Dragon Acrobats are flexible and well balanced athletes, actors and artists who were trained in their craft from early childhood. There are acrobats spinning around within metal rings, strong women standing on each other, while keeping smiles on their faces, men Read More


Guest Post: Jenna McCarthy on “7 Steps to a Perfect Marriage”

I have a remarkably happy marriage, and people ask me all the time how I got so lucky. (Not as often as they ask me about autism, vaccines and Jim Carrey, so let’s get something straight before we go any further: Not. Her.) I used to wonder if it had something to do with pheromones or having relatively low expectations, but after eleven years of wedded bliss I am pretty sure the key is some combination of kindness, respect and my ability to read a road map upside down divided by my husband’s skill at tuning out my nagging. Okay, fine. We got Read More


Guest Post: Mommy, What Happens When You Die?

Gina Osher

“Mommy, does Santa Claus die?” “Mommy, if you get stabbed by a light saber will you die?” “Mommy, what happens to your eyes when you die?” My 4-year old son has been lobbing these and other complex questions at me for about 6 months now.  It all began innocently enough, with the introduction of one of my favorite books from childhood: Babar.  Yes, Babar. Perhaps you will remember that Babar’s mother gets shot by a “wicked hunter” on page 3.  Did you remember that? I didn’t.  Well, that one incident opened up a line of questioning I wasn’t quite Read More


Guest Post: I’m the Boss of Me: Mompreneurs and the New Perfect

  By Becky Beaupre Gillespie and Hollee Schwartz Temple Authors, Good Enough Is the New Perfect: Finding Happiness and Success in Modern Motherhood   Creating and running a business has a way of inciting perfectionist tendencies. But it also offers a unique path to what we call the New Perfect. We know this from our own ventures — and we saw it in the dozens of mompreneurs we interviewed for Good Enough Is the New Perfect: Finding Happiness and Success in Modern Motherhood (Harlequin Nonfiction, April 2011). There are nearly Read More